BMSA Bulletin
August 2019 |
Calendar of Events
Sept. 25-27:
Leadership Graduates Roundtable
(Greenville, SC)
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1:
Roundtable #1
(Charlotte, NC)
Oct. 8-10:
NLBMDA ProDealer Industry Summit
(Colorado Springs, CO)
Oct. 9-11:
CFO Roundtable
(North Myrtle Beach, SC)
Oct. 10-11:
Operations Manager Roundtable A
(Hilton Head, SC)
Oct. 16-18:
Roundtable #3
(Charlotte, NC)
Oct. 24-25:
Sales Manager Roundtable
(Hilton Head, SC)
Nov. 6-8:
Roundtable #7
(Raleigh, NC)
Nov. 7-8:
Operations Manager Roundtable B
(Charlotte, NC)
Nov. 13-15:
Purchasing Manager Roundtable
(Asheville, NC)
Nov. 19:
BMSA Marketing & PR Boot Camp
(Charlotte, NC)
Dec. 4-6:
Roundtable #5
(Charlotte, NC)
BMSA's Annual Learning
Exchange & LBM Expo (Hickory, NC)
Member News
Rocco Building Supplies, Harrisonburg, VA., is now distributing Chelsea Building Products Everlast siding in Virginia, Baltimore and regions of West Virginia and Pennsylvania.
Federated Mutual Group was recently named the top 50 U.S. - based property and casualty companies and Federated Life Company was named to the top 50 U.S. - based life insurance companies.
If your company is h aving an anniversary, opening a new location, has a new hire or any co mpany news, please contact BMSA to have the news published in an issue of BMSA's Bulletin.
MSA's Summer Conference Was A Huge Success!
The move to Myrtle Beach, SC proved to be successful and attendance at this year's Summer Conference increased nearly 20% over last year. With strong education programming that challenged members' thinking, combined with fun networking events, BMSA's Summer Conference hit the mark with attendees making comments such as:
"Great location. Nice facilities. Well planned event."
"The attendance and location were great... We made some great contacts."
"I feel that the conference was a great success and everyone (vendors and dealers) were very pleased with the attendance, the facilities, the speakers and the food and activities."
The new venue offered BMSA members 7 pools, multiple food outlets and beach front access. The beautiful weather was perfect for lounging on the beach, by the pool or playing golf. Over 80 children attended BMSA's kids' events while their parents enjoyed the planned evening events for adults. Kids made balloon animals, had their faces painted, watched a magician perform amazing tricks and played games, all the while their parents networked with suppliers, learned to shag dance, had caricatures drawn, competed in boardwalk games and enjoyed a traditional low country boil.
Thanks to all our sponsors and exhibitors who made the Summer Conference possible! And thanks to our wonderful BMSA members & their families for the amazing fun, laughter and learning that made the Summer Conference a success!

Diamond Sponsor
Federated Insurance
Gold Sponsors
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
Culpeper Wood Preservers
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance
Silver Sponsors
Carolina Atlantic Distributors
Huttig Building Products
Rick Johnson Insurance, Inc.
TAH Benefits
Vann Attorneys
Bronze Sponsor
Amelia Lumber Company, Inc.
Crumpler Plastic Pipe
ECi Spruce
LBM Advantage
Madison Wood Preservers
Rocco Building Supplies
TW Perry

BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
BMSA Online Training
Carolina Atlantic Distributors
Center-Line Trailers
Crumpler Plastic Pipe
Culpeper Wood Preservers
Diamond Hill Plywood
Eastern Engineered Wood Products
ECi Spruce Software
Empire Company
Federated Insurance
Fortress Wood Products
Go For Delivers
Great Southern Wood Preserving
Henry/Fortifiber Company
Huttig Building Products
Kerridge Commercial Systems
LBM Advantage
LJS Solutions
LP Building Solutions
Madison Wood Preservers
Metwood Building Solutions
Mirage Promotions
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance
Rick Johnson Insurance, Inc.
Robbins Wood Preserving
Rocco Building Supplies
Royal Building Products
Smith Millwork
U.S. Lumber
Vann Attorneys
Wholesales Millwork
Woodgrain Distribution
To see more photos from BMSA's Summer Conference,
Stay connected with BMSA!
Matthews, NC 28105
BMSA encourages our Dealer members to look first to your Associate members when purchasing products and services. Support those who support your Association and the industry!
-R- |
Amelia Lumber Company, Inc.
Appalachian Hardwood Lumber
Reeb Millwork |
Atlantic Forklift Services
Go-For Delivers |
Averitt Express |
Great Southern Wood Perserving |
ResiCAD |
-H- |
Rick Johnson Insurance, Inc. |
Henry Company |
Robbins Wood Preserving |
Basys Processing
Hood Distribution |
Rocco Building Supplies, LLC
Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC
Huttig Building Products
Roseburg Forest Products |
BlueLinx Corporation
Royal Building Products
BlueTarp Financial, Inc.
Boise Cascade Corp. |
Intex Millwork Solutions
Brackett Brothers Corp.
Building 9 Corp. |
-K- |
-S- |
Cameron Ashley Building Products
Kerridge Commercial Systems
Schaffer Associates
CareWorks Comp
Carolina Atlantic Distributors, Inc.
Carter Millwork, Inc.
Larson Manufacturing Co.
Smith Millwork, Inc.
Center-Line Trailers
LBM Advantage
Snavely Forest Products |
Charles F. Shiels & Company
Legacy Pre-Finishing Inc.
Southeast Insurance Group
Clem Lumber & Distributing Company
LJS Solutions
South-East Lumber
Crumpler Plastic Pipe
LMC (Lumbermens Merchandising Corporation)
Style Crest, Inc.
Culpeper Wood Preservers |
Sun Windows, Inc.
Sunbelt Rack/CT Darnell Construction |
-D- |
-M- |
-T- |
Dairyman's Supply Co., Inc
Madison Wood Preservers |
TAH Benefits |
Dealers Supply & Lumber Co.
The Marwin Company
TAMKO Building Products, Inc.
Diamond Hill Plywood Company
Melcap Partners, LLC
Tampa International Forest Products
DMSi Software
Member Insurance
The Empire Company
DSA Doors
Metal Sales Manufacturing
Trebnick Systems, Inc.
Dyke Industries |
Metrie |
Tri-State Forest Products |
Metwood Building Solutions |
True Value Corp. |
Mirage Promotions |
-N- |
-U- |
Eastern Engineered Wood Products
U.S. Lumber
E-Cubed Consulting
ECi Spruce Computers
Packard Forest Products, Inc.
EHOP Health
Palmer-Donavin Manufacturing |
Viance |
Palmetto Paper Tube
Parksite |
Patwin Plastics
Welco Enterprises, Inc. |
Weyerhaeuser Distribution
Facemyer Lumber Co., Inc. |
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company |
Federated Insurance |
WM Coffman Resources
Forest Products Group |
PrimeSource Building Products
Woodford Plywood, Inc. |
Fortress Wood Products |
Woodgrain Distribution |